

To start configuring the main theme, make sure you have stopped your dev server before creating an assets/css/theme.css CSS file like so:

├── css/
│   └── theme.css

You may then start your dev server again.

Main configurations

The configurations rely on the usage of CSS variables, which should be registered in the :root element. Using the colours of the default theme, this is how theme.css looks like:

:root {
  --light-text: theme("colors.gray.900");
  --light-text-secondary: theme("colors.gray.700");
  --light-bg: theme("colors.white");
  --light-bg-secondary: theme("colors.gray.200");
  --light-primary: theme("");
  --light-border: theme("colors.gray.400");
  --light-border-secondary: theme("colors.gray.200");

  --dark-text: theme("colors.gray.200");
  --dark-text-secondary: theme("colors.gray.400");
  --dark-bg: theme("colors.gray.900");
  --dark-bg-secondary: theme("colors.gray.800");
  --dark-primary: theme("");
  --dark-border: theme("colors.gray.700");
  --dark-border-secondary: theme("colors.gray.800");

Doconuxt uses Tailwind CSS under the hood, which is why the theme() function can be used to access the default Tailwind config values.

Variable description

Notice that there are 7 main variables repeated twice, once with the --light prefix (for the light mode), and once with the --dark prefix (for the dark mode). Here is a brief description of the variables (without the prefixes for brevity's sake):

  • text: main text colour of the body
  • text-secondary: text colour of quote blocks
  • bg: main background colour of the body
  • bg-secondary: background colour of inline code, quote blocks, table headers
  • primary: main primary colour
  • border: main border colour (Sidenav/Topnav, tables, horizontal rules)
  • border-secondary: border colour of H1 and H2 tags

Overriding some variables

Missing variables will fallback to the default Doconuxt theme. There is no need to declare all variables if you only want to override a few. For example, to override only the primary colours while retaining the other variables:

:root {
  --light-primary: #FF5733;

  --dark-primary: #FF886E;


Since this theme.css file is essentially just a normal CSS file that is imported into Doconuxt, you can even write new styles and override the existing styles if you know what you are doing.